Accomplished Courses

On this page I collected important courses and educational activities that improved my skills in the Human-Computer Interaction and can help you get a better idea about my competences and interests. All sessions are split into four subcategories and provide additional information about them. In case you find my experience fitting to your goals or have any questions – feel free to drop me a line.


My theoretical and practical training in User Experience was gained not only at the universities, but also with the help of internships, freelance and other non-academic activities. They were a good connection between acquired theoretical knowledge and contradicting reality. Also, such skills like working in groups, direct client communication, explanation of the whole idea to developers and management were trained.


Usability Engineering goes like a common thread through my whole way. This practical activity was established in different forms with usually prosaic goals: to make things work. The majority of my experience was gained through the “trial and errors” method. However, I was lucky to get a solid theoretical background at both universities and I am very thankful for that.


Practical and theoretical activities within universities. It gave me a broader conceptual understanding of psychological aspects of human perception and action, basic requirements and aspirations. Analysis and theoretical modelling of potential solutions for applied problems. Also, my skills of user research and user study conducting significantly improved.


While I like to be able to create something interactive by myself, I have experimented with HTML & CSS since 2006. I gained my first programming experience in school and used it from time to time to make my life easier by passing some tasks to the computer. After 2015 I decided to update them a bit to be able to understand the development process better and create fancy small projects for my own needs.